Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Time:2021-07-02 Views:963
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The century-long journey is magnificent, and the heart is stronger at the beginning of the century. From Shikumen in Shanghai to Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, a small red boat carries the trust of the people and the hope of the nation. The giant ship that leads China‘s stability and long-term journey." The Red Boat has witnessed the great changes in Chinese history and has become a symbol of the source of the Chinese revolution; the "Red Boat Spirit" has created a spiritual monument that will never fade in the hearts of the Chinese people and become us. Constantly seize the powerful spiritual power and precious spiritual wealth of new victories. At the key node of the historical intersection of the "two centenary" struggle goals, we must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping‘s important speech at the Party History Study and Education Mobilization Conference, vigorously promote the "red boat spirit", and continue the spirit of the Communist Party. Blood, let the "Red Boat Spirit" shine with a new era.

The "Red Boat Spirit" shows the original intention of the Chinese Communists.

The dedication spirit of building the party for the public and loyal to the people has inspired the Chinese Communists to stick to their original intention of seeking happiness for the people. To seek happiness for the people is the original intention of the Chinese Communists. Apart from the interests of the working class and the broadest masses of the people, our party has no special interests of its own. This determines that our party can get rid of the limitation of all previous political forces in pursuing its own special interests, always adhere to the people‘s stand, regard serving the people wholeheartedly as the party‘s fundamental purpose, regard the people‘s yearning for a better life as the goal of struggle, and put the people‘s interests in the interests of the people. The supreme position is to strive to realize, maintain, and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. Over the past 100 years, our party has been engaged in revolution, construction, and reform, all for the benefit of the people and for the people to live a good life.

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Vigorously promoting the "Red Boat Spirit" is an inherent requirement for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

During the 100-year magnificent journey, our party has united and led the people to achieve great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. Today, we are closer to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history. But we must also be soberly aware that the closer we are to national rejuvenation, the less smooth sailing will be, and the more risks, challenges, and even stormy seas will be. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Fighting against difficulties is a material wrestling and a spiritual confrontation." In the face of the risks and challenges on the road ahead and even the stormy seas, we must vigorously promote the "red boat spirit", overcome obstacles, and advance courageously. The "Red Boat Spirit" has become a strong spiritual support for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Promote the party‘s self-revolution with the "red boat spirit". It‘s up to The communist party to do thing well in China. If our party is to always be the vanguard of the times and the backbone of the nation, it must ensure that it is always strong through self-revolution. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the comprehensive and strict governance of the party has achieved remarkable results, and the people across the country have spoken highly of it. However, we must also realize that under the long-term governance of the party, various factors that weaken the party’s advanced nature and impair the party’s purity are always present, and all kinds of dangers that go against the original aspiration and mission and shake the party’s foundation are everywhere. The prominent problems of impure ideology, impure politics, impure organization, and impure style in the party have not yet been fundamentally resolved. We must also see that the "four major tests" facing the party are long-term and complex, and the "four dangers" facing the party are sharp and severe. To solve outstanding problems such as impure ideology, impure politics, impure organization, impure style of work, etc., to withstand the "four major tests" and overcome the "four dangers", a very important aspect is to educate and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to stand up to the Communist Party The spiritual backbone of the person. Vigorously promote the "red boat spirit" and build a good spiritual home for the Communists, which will help resolutely eliminate all factors that weaken the party’s advanced nature and impair the party’s purity, resolutely cut off all tumors that breed on the body of the party, and resolutely prevent everything The danger of going against the original aspiration and mission and shaking the foundation of the party keeps our party vigorous and vigorous.

Promote the social revolution led by the party with the "red boat spirit". Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the historical mission of the Communist Party of China. At present, the world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. Our country is in a critical period of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The complex international environment has brought many new contradictions and challenges. The main contradictions and changes in our society have brought many new features and requirements. Our party It is leading the people in a great struggle with many new historical characteristics. The rapid changes in the situation and environment, the heavy task of reform, development and stability, the number of contradictions and risks and challenges, and the unprecedented challenge of our party’s governance. Traveling against the current, if you don‘t advance, you will retreat. We must not have the slightest arrogance, complacency, stubbornness, hesitation, hesitation, and hesitation. We must vigorously promote the "Red Boat Spirit", and we must always be at the forefront of the times in the historical process of profound changes in the world situation, and respond to domestic and foreign In the historical process of various risks and trials, it has always become the backbone of the people of the whole country, and has always been the core of strong leadership in the historical process of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, and carrying out the great social revolution of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Well, we will move forward courageously towards the grand goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Let the "Red Boat Spirit" shine in a new era

Looking back on the way you have traveled, and not forgetting the way you came, in the final analysis is to continue to walk the way forward. The "Red Boat Spirit" is the source of the Chinese revolutionary spirit and has eternal value that transcends time and space. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we must vigorously carry forward the red tradition, inherit the red gene, and continue to give the "red boat spirit" new connotations of the times, let it shine with new times, and provide strong spiritual motivation for the new journey. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the Chinese New Year party visit in 2020: “As long as our party always stands at the forefront of the trend of the times, stands at the forefront of tackling difficulties, and stands among the broadest people, it will always stand in the forefront. The place of failure!" General Secretary Xi Jinping‘s important statement pointed out the direction for us to vigorously promote the "Red Boat Spirit" in the new era. We must closely integrate the promotion of the "red boat spirit" with the in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping‘s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and the development of party history learning and education, so as to boost the spirit of marching into a new journey and forging ahead in a new era.

In vigorously promoting the "red boat spirit", ensure that the party always stands in the forefront of the trend of the times. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Facing the future, we must comprehensively promote the work of the party and the country, especially to implement new development concepts, promote high-quality development, build a new development pattern, continue to be at the forefront of the times, and still need to comprehensively deepen reforms. Motivation and breakthrough." To be at the forefront of the times, to add momentum and breakthroughs to comprehensively deepen reforms, we must vigorously promote the pioneering spirit of the "Red Boat Spirit", which is pioneering and daring to be the first. We must further emancipate our minds, adhere to innovative thinking, boldly try, boldly break through, follow the problem, run to the problem, accurately recognize changes, scientifically respond to changes, actively seek changes, give full play to the pioneering spirit, adhere to the integrity and innovation, in order to be more active and effective. As a response to unstable and uncertain factors, to ensure that the party always stands in the forefront of the trend of the times.

In vigorously promoting the "red boat spirit", ensure that the party is always at the forefront of overcoming difficulties. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “You must have the spirit of nailing nails in your career, grasping iron to make marks, stepping on stones to leave marks, walking forward steadily, crossing a mountain and then climbing a peak, crossing a ditch and a ravine, and constantly passing through the solution. Difficulties create a new situation for work." To deal with challenges and resolve problems, we must be aware of heavy burdens, work hard, and overcome difficulties. This requires us to vigorously promote the firm ideals and indomitable spirit of struggle in the "Red Boat Spirit." The broad masses of party members and cadres must maintain the steadfastness and courage of the more difficult and dangerous, and always stand at the forefront of overcoming difficulties, dare to be the first and take the lead when encountering contradictions and difficulties, be brave to take responsibility and be good at doing things, and effectively respond to major challenges. , To resist major risks, overcome major obstacles, and resolve major contradictions.

In vigorously promoting the "red boat spirit", we ensure that the party always stands among the majority of the people. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The century-old history of our party is a history of fulfilling the party‘s original mission, a history of the party and the people connecting hearts, breathing together, and sharing destiny." Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. The main contradiction in our society has been transformed into a contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development. We must take the people’s yearning for a better life as our unswerving goal, we must vigorously promote the "red boat spirit" of the dedication of neutral party for the public and loyalty to the people, and always adhere to the people’s dedication at all times and under any circumstances. As the center, always keep the people’s safety and warmth in mind, earnestly implement the Party Central Committee’s policies to benefit the people, and effectively solve the problem of “emergency and worry” of the masses, and continuously strengthen the people’s income, employment, education, social security, and housing A sense of gain, happiness, and security. 

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