The laser industry will usher in changes in 2022 and 2023

Time:2022-11-05 Views:520
The laser industry will usher in changes

In recent years, industrial laser processing has rapidly penetrated into various industries, and has gradually entered high-end applications such as rail locomotives, aerospace, new energy, marine equipment, and military industries. The domestic laser industry chain has gradually matured, and the technology of key core links has gradually filled the gap. A number of leading companies have successively launched their listings, and the industry pattern has basically been formed. However, the development of the industry is always changing. Under the current pressure of various complex environments inside and outside, new changes may occur in the laser market.

Incremental market transformed into stock market

Since the promotion of laser processing equipment, the domestic market demand has shown a trend of continuous expansion. The market increment mainly comes from the continuous emergence of new demands, followed by the upgrading of laser equipment products. What followed was the continuous breakthrough of laser technology and the improvement of power.

In addition to traditional marking, cutting, and welding, new forms such as laser cleaning and handheld laser welding that have emerged in recent years have opened up new demands for laser applications. There are many new applications in batteries, new energy, automobiles, wearable devices, display panels, bathrooms, construction machinery, etc., which broaden the application space of lasers and bring new shipments.

As far as laser cutting equipment is concerned, the emergence of laser cutting has replaced a considerable part of traditional punching, flame cutting and water jet cutting, and is also superior to plasma cutting on thick plates, making it the best choice. Since its application in 2011, fiber laser cutting has also seized the share of CO2 laser cutting. With the rapid increase of laser power, end users pursue higher efficiency, and there is also a need to upgrade equipment. Several reasons have promoted the growth of cutting equipment year after year, and even increased by more than 30% in some years.

Price war

The laser industry has been developing in China for more than 20 years. After 2012, the localization of lasers and laser equipment has developed rapidly. From low power to high power, one by one, it has entered a fierce price war. From nanosecond pulsed lasers for marking to continuous lasers for cutting and welding, the price war for fiber lasers has never stopped, and the price war continues from one kilowatt to 20,000 watts.

Under the state of epidemic border control, my country‘s laser industry has reduced the interaction of foreign counterparts and suppliers, and also restricted overseas supporting and component manufacturers from developing business in my country. Users are more inclined to choose local supporting products, which has accelerated the progress of replacing imported products.

The impact of the price war in the industry also affects the field of supporting laser products. In addition to higher technical content and quality assurance, the future requirements for supporting laser companies will tend to provide more professional and better service supporting products, in order to win customers.

The above content comes from Howweld.A laser equipment manufacturer with suitable price in China,persistently promote the application of laser equipment in various industries,to provide customers with the most suitable solution.Welcome to inquire, visit and testing
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