Powder feeding for laser cladding machine

Powder feeder 10kgs 20kgs volume
Single barrel
Double barrel
    Pneumatic powder feeder is a professional auxiliary equipment for implementing 3D printing, laser cladding process, plasma cladding process and other related processes, which can realize coaxial automatic powder feeding of terminal equipment.

    1. The working gas pressure setting range is between 0.4MPa-0.6MPa.


    2. Before use, the alloy powder should be baked at 100-150 degrees for 30-40 minutes. After cooling, it can be loaded into the powder feeder, and the powder top cover should be tightened (the powder should be sieved several times before and after baking).

    3. Before starting powder feeding, it is necessary to confirm whether the gas passes through to avoid powder blocking. If the powder tray or powder feeding pipe is blocked, the gas flow should be increased. After no blockage, adjust the flow to the specified value according to the actual powder feeding situation.

    4. The powder manufacturing process and particle size range will affect the powder feeding accuracy. This powder feeder supports 200

    The powder below the mesh, too fine powder is easy to cause powder accumulation.


    5. The parameters of the powder feeder have been adjusted before leaving the factory, and the user cannot change or disassemble it at will.

    6. When not in use for a long time, remember to empty all the powder in the powder feeder and blow it clean with a dry airflow. The phenomenon of powder retention may be caused by the following reasons:

    (1) The gas flow of powder feeding gas is insufficient, please adjust the gas flow to the corresponding speed, and try to find out by yourself.

    (2) Insufficient air pressure of gas cylinder or gas source.

    (3) The particle size of the powder does not meet the requirements of the equipment, and the powder is too fine.

    (4) The powder is mixed with impurities and is not sieved.

    (5) The powder is wet and not dried.

    7. When opening the rear switchboard door, do not sprinkle or drop powder into the switchboard to avoid damage to electrical components.

    Parameter index

    Work category

    Single barrel

    Gas type


    Flow range


    Pressure range


    Bucket volume


    Sub disc speed


    Power particle size

    90-300 mesh

    Powder feeding accuracy


    Supply voltage


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